2332 Lightheaded on November 5, 2012 Chapter: Mountain QuestCharacters: Big Bollo, Celena, Hoz, Morgana, Rehan the Rogue, Sir Nedworth de Tete "Ned the Head"Location: Elegrost Port Market Related Comics ¬ 2365 Subterranean Girl Fight 2329 Thats Odd 2415 A New Power 2803 Surprise Guest 2392 Search The Room
Are you sure that’s not really Morte, from the Planescape: Torment game?
A loose head named Ned? O.O You have a cruel humor.
For those who care: "de tĂȘte" is French for "of head".
It’s Actually Headless Ned!
Nope, he clearly has a head. He just misplaced his body.