0001: What’re You Lookin’ At?
on May 28, 2006
Chapter: 001 - Forbidden Love
Characters: Bob the Beholder, Gren Razortooth
Location: The Black Mountain
Testing the blog section of the comic editor
Testing the blog section of the comic editor
Discussion (17) ¬
Epic fail^^ Cannot read archive – no comics available.
Please see current blog post: re "it will take us a couple of days to finish importing the archives."
Good comic. Ignoring 90% of the comments greatly increases the enjoyment.
And it all started with a goblin and a beholder,-beholding
And they make such a cute couple 😀
Time to reread everything.
I’ve forgotten how many times I’ve done an archive dive here, but I’ve only just now noticed that I put nothing here for the first comic. I will now correct that oversight.
Woo-woo! First-page titties FTW!
As the year wanes, I think I may go out on a high note by re-reading this entire comic once more!
I think it’s time for my yearly archive dive.
The last one was late December of last year, but, it was cut short, due to a hospital stay in January.
The year has been rough all around, and one of my personal gods, Stan Lee, left this world yesterday.
I need serious cheering, and I think the epic saga that is one of my very favorite webcomics is just the thing I need, right now.
Also, if no one has ever said it: Thank you, Rich Morris, for creating this comic and these lands and characters that have brought us all such joy, these last 12 and a half years!
And thus begins the legend…
you know, pretty much everything good in my life I owe to naked goblin titties, so thanks Rich 😀
Have you just found this comic? Let me warn you!
This damn comic keeps making me click the next button, over and over, like crack!
It’s almost 2AM and I need to get up at 6 for work! T_T
Run away from here and find a comic that sucks ass instead! RUN!
Ahh, soap in my eye! And I'm thirty percent eye!
I discovered this comic back in 2008. I keep coming back to it. And I'm partially happy and partially horrified that it's still going because I can't remember where I dropped off and to my ADHD addled brain that means I have to reread everything all over again.
Learn from my mistake and always leave a bookmark on the last page you read.