I… probably wouldn’t, to be honest.
He’s a character that’s more effective suddenly surprising you. If he was on-screen the whole time, he’d start getting old quickly. There’s only so many times in a row the punchline can be "Fang babbles nonsense" before we’d miss the cleverer examples of Rich’s writing!
God, I love this little guy! (Not the sawed off human with delusions of grandeur……….)
I would totally read a comic that only about the adventure of Cap’n Fang
I… probably wouldn’t, to be honest.
He’s a character that’s more effective suddenly surprising you. If he was on-screen the whole time, he’d start getting old quickly. There’s only so many times in a row the punchline can be "Fang babbles nonsense" before we’d miss the cleverer examples of Rich’s writing!
Something, something, frying pan, something, fire, something…Yeah, he just walked right into that one.
Nuke the Kobold from orbit.
It’s the only way to be… nah, not sure even then
Trying to leave the weirdness and runs into the top-notch of weird.
Welcome back, Captain!