0282 Baron Heel on March 6, 2007 Chapter: The Pirate AdventureCharacters: Baron Owen Greyfort, Lucas GreyfortLocation: Greyfort Flagship Related Comics ¬ 3480 Prattfall 0112 Re PORK Cussions 0192 Yaaaahrrrr 3508 Where Wolf 3139 Where Was I
Huh? A Shoe? I don’t get it 😕
A heel, bro. He’s feeling like a heel 😉
As self-insults go, it's admittedly a bit dated. I can see myself having to explain this one to my 30yo sister too. (Unlike her, I read a lot of old books growing up; she read a lot of magazines.)
he should feel like a heel he treated both is biological and his adopted son very badly
I hope your conscience makes sure you don’t get any sleep for the next year, you rotten excuse for a father!
OMG this is heartbreaking
And now the other shoe drops.
-eyebrow waggle-