1796 YYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH on April 28, 2011 Chapter: Night QueenCharacters: Caelin, Gummer GroundpounderLocation: Village of Vallejo Related Comics ¬ 1118 Reunion 1107 Franks Fortunes 1805 For Sure 1765 Fascinating 1744 Caelin HAGgles
ok that pun doesent even work
oh well only pun in 1796 pages that i dident like not a big deal.
It’s supposed to have a silent ‘tt’, so he is saying he ‘bu-laided’ it to rest
oh i see now it makes sense
It does if he filled it with bullets.
The Bullette in the mountains is a reference to an old AD&D module called "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks", which is NOT about a hidden valley, but a buried ancient spaceship.