1520 Remarkable Estimation Power on July 26, 2010 Chapter: Reflections in the SandCharacters: Fatinah, Kurassa Elemental Wizard from the City of Haran, Prince Kassim Ibn Tambid Al UmbrilLocation: Uagi Desert Related Comics ¬ 3352 POWER UP BLAST 1465 Kurassa In A Huff 1485 Reporting In 0400 Ambushwacked 2306 The Storm Heroes
"I’ve got amazing powers of observation."
– Pink Floyd, channeling Prince Kassim
spot check, anyone?
To spot a large billboard in the middle of a featureless desert?
I think that’s a difficulty roll of 1.
Kurassa seems to have failed the roll until it was pointed out to him…
Anybody here from Raleigh, NC?