1376 A Sheep Among Wolves on March 4, 2010 Chapter: Jone: Half-OrcCharacters: Analise Touselhead of the Cult of Jone, Lucas Greyfort, Sonja of the Cult of JoneLocation: Kingdom of Elegrost Related Comics ¬ 3060 Everywhere 1891 Zoras Tale 3151 An Ominous Historical Nexus 1885 A Kind People 1822 Charlottes Parlour
Just substituting one kind of oppression for another….
Jone wanted only vengeance for herself & her mother, but without her speaking up, it’s spiraling all out of context.
Gruumsh encouraging some of it's targets and the kobold seer acting as her mouth didn't helped the situation either.
"The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors." — Paulo Freire