0566 Ain’t No Value In Halfling Brides, Eh?
on December 15, 2007
Chapter: Clover's Fortunes
Characters: Clover Firelight, King Eric III of Drostardy, Matron Goodwyn, Mayor Tollin of Westlinden, Sir Tainley
Location: Drostardy Manor, Westlinden Halfling Village
Heh! Public opinion will get under the skins of public officials every time.
Uh… maybe in works of fiction.
Tainley will now learn not to piss off Hobbits!
They’re serious about their free beer.
You better believe its ON!
In truth, this shows how much that the people of a nation hold the real power & always have. With simple Civil Disobedience people can sway anyone who claims any level or title of power.
In the specific case here with a sizable chunk of workers going on strike, the king will have trouble meeting contracts for trade with other nations (which will rightfully piss them off), internal production is severely reduced & the overall economy takes a big hit…And that effects the coffers of the government too.
Even if this country was ruled by an evil despot, the king couldn’t even effectively solve the problem by conducting some massacres…All of the other population demographics are bound to notice that kind of a loss & only raises more sympathy & support for the Halflings which will likely cause a full-scale revolution.
It’s a fundamental truth that there are duties & obligations that go both up AND down the "chain of command." The best leaders know that if you don’t take good care of the people, they most certainly will take care of you…
It all depends on the economy, of course. If most of your government's revenue comes from a branch of the economy involving only a small portion (if any) of your population, civil disobedience won't do much because the government's power doesn't come from the people. Typical examples today are resource exporting countries.