0563 Humble Pie Now With Crow Sauce on December 12, 2007 Chapter: Clover's FortunesCharacters: Clover Firelight, King Eric III of DrostardyLocation: Westlinden Halfling Village Related Comics ¬ 1112 An Ending 0245 Halfling All Melty 0228 Getting Into The Spirit Of The Whole Thing 1146 Naomis Apples 1134 Armed And Dangerous
In truth, under a monarchial government & Eric (now un-crowned & denying his position), he’ll be lucky if eating humble pie filled with crow meat is the worst of his punishment. Good thing that’s Clover he’s talking to, isn’t it?
And that this is the most Lawful Good kingdom in the universe.
What I love even more about that than her demand is that he immediately obeys – priceless!
This is one of the millions of reasons why Clover is my favorite!
I looooooooooove this.