2860 Waiting Out The Smart Asses on January 22, 2016 Chapter: The Serpent AwakesCharacters: Adwen the Cruel, Meridia the Impatient, Tawnia the Not So MeekLocation: Keep of the Daughters of the Blade Related Comics ¬ 3410 Goodbye Montage 0984 Do You Have A License For Your Wyvern 0886 Thursday Nights 2165 Watching The Fireworks 1352 Knock Knock
The warriors’ faces: so expressive!
Seems like, apart from Meridia and possibly Tawnacoat, most of the Sisters have only heard rumours concerning Addie (most likely spread by Meri and Tawny)
Something seems awfully off.
1) The smiles on a lot of their face.
2) The half (?)-goblin.
Maybe the daughters werde waiting 4 her.
I thought I read somewhere (TVtropes?) that canonically, YAFGC doesn’t have human/goblin hybrids. Quarter-orc maybe?
Daughters of the Blade …or Sword? 🙂
Great… They’re a bunch of jerks too.
_Rancid_ jerks
You would think they would have learned by now DO NOT TAUNT CHULHU!
They know not to taunt Cthulu, but apparently they don’t know better than to insult Adwen, who’s a far more immediate danger.
I cannot help but wonder if she is retrogradely claiming (dubious) credit for something she did by accident the first time.
Now I kinda wonder who will die on this saga… The shit seem about to hit the fan pretty hard unless Lewie really comes trough with something
You mean, other than Meegs’ latest blonde assistant?
Well, one casualty is not really a normal thing for big wars like this one.
I check this page every MWF morning.
Is it pretty much Official that you now update in the evening?
PS – because if so I’ll check TTSat morning. No problem there.
Not officially, no. I’ve had a run of very busy and exhausting weekends.
Oh hey! I never noticed there was a half-orc there before. Hmm… is she a natural half-orc or one of Gruumsh’s get?