2859 The Cat Came Back on January 20, 2016 Chapter: The Serpent AwakesCharacters: Adwen the Cruel, Meridia the ImpatientLocation: Keep of the Daughters of the Blade Related Comics ¬ 2860 Waiting Out The Smart Asses 1353 Jone Explains 3345 Troops On The Ground 1674 Gulp 0898 Adwen Vs Fang
And I just noticed that the last two pages are marked as chapter Adina’s Magical Voyage. Did I miss something?
No character tags either
Well, there never are character tags on fresh pages.
How ‘fresh’ is ‘fresh’? "Artifacked" has been correctly tagged
Um, the "just posted" "fresh"?
I didn’t record the exact time it takes for pages to be fully tagged, so I can’t answer your question with high precision.
Normally I tag them as soon as they’re scanned. But this time I was in a hurry and they were mislabeled and untagged.
But they’re okay now.
Oh, I have GOT to remember that line, ("blow it out your moat") LOL!
Same here!
<i>who do I know with a moat??? </i>
I rather like the Pharoah’s threat: "I shall salt your fields & cut down your trees!"
How long have you been holding that retort in your arsenal, waiting for the right moment?
"As long as necessary" 😀
Actually it was my fourth retort. I wanted something really snappy and this was the best I could come up with.
Others included "Blow it out your mead hole" and "Blow it out your weed pipe."
As you can see from the response, it definitely works!
And it’s more blunt than the other two, which is very Adwen.
I like "Blow it out your mead hole" too, but for a different character.
Heh heh, loving Meridia’s tag 😀
Is Adwen ever going to get a new Wyvern? Is that why she is ‘home’, to get a new egg?
Well, I imagine she is home to warn them about the Rannites.
A whole keep of sword maidens would make a good aim 4 a certain "all girl, sado-masochistic cult of evil" and it’s rannite leaders.
Except, Jone just wiped them all out
No, she wiped out *her* cult, not the Rannite cult under the Black Mountain.
The cat came back! ❤️
Nobody knows that one! (OK, so technically I’ve known _one_ person who knew it, and I haven’t exactly asked everyone whom I’ve ever met, but still…)