0944 Cadugans Family Woes on December 27, 2008 Chapter: The Axe in the RockCharacters: Cadugan, Cadugan's Fox, Eddy the Mage, Lady Sidonie of Falconheim, Lucas Greyfort, Meegs, Prince Glitterbranch, Queen of the Wyldwood Wood Elves, Runtherd "Runt", Sir Aeden, Sir Idries of FalconheimLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 2964 And Then There Were Five 2324 Killjoy 2847 Lewie And The Wood Elves 0936 Stilll Stuck Different Net 3435 The Irreverant Ride To Castle Elegrost
…Starting to understand why Cadugan is anti-social.
Only family knows what can embarrass you the most…