18 years ago today, a Goblin and a Beholder first met!

Happy 18th and thanks for sticking with  me!

-Rich “BK” Morris

And so my contract with this studio has run out and I’ve been doing pickup/uncontracted work with them for the past 5 months or so… and now that too appears to be drawing to a close. So I am about to exchange the stress of difficult clients and painful deadlines with the stress of unemployment. On the one hand it seems that I may have more time for drawing YAFGC comics, but on the other hand…. I’ll be in a low – to – high stress level until I get ‘the call’ from the next job. So, thanks for putting up with my gaps, and bear with me while I panic about something completely different.

Also: Thank you for the kind words and wishes, YAFGC has been a strange companion of mine for a long time and it makes me proud to have so many wonderful people reading and enjoying it with me. Happy Anniversary!

-Rich “BK” Morris

EDIT May 30

I just spent a few hours  re-reading the “Force of Hobbits” story and had to force my way to stop at “The Things I Do”. I wish I was confident that I could still write like that. Wish me luck for the next few stories!

-Rich “BK” Morris