3016 Ogre Oovey on April 1, 2017 Chapter: 068 - Age of ShadowsCharacters: Clover Firelight, Dwarf Warrior Maid, Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand, Og Ogre, Sarge the Dwarf, Svert the GnomeLocation: Weepwood Forest Related Comics ¬ 0323 Blasted Guards 1291 Glons Olive Branch 2050 Orcs And Elves Total WAR 0114 A Little Baronial Whoopsie 1334 Not Amused
Is it a reminder of what happened the other time?
PD: I’m sorry for my English.
Just a little attempt to confuse on April Fool’s day.
My first thought was that my links were taking me to the last strip I’d looked at.
My next thought was "that strip happened during the daytime."
Then I noticed the lask of "Forward" button.
Then I remembered what day it was yesterday.
Strip 0135, now with shadows
Well done RIch.
And we now return to "I Keep Forgetting What Day It Is Every Year".
You’re a silly man, Mr. Morris. 🙂
Glon has a case of deja vu…
I even like the title.
And this one is very close in series to the ONLY strip (AFAI can recall) that makes reference to a GM http://yafgc.net/comic/0139-magic-soup/
That’s right! We decided that was not the way this world rolled. And I’m glad we did.