She seems a fairly hearty soul, so I suspect she will be around a while, but yes, I also foresee little Charles being the adopted heir to Greyfort eventually. Really though, there is no reason they wouldn’t invite Cadugan’s mother and brother to stay with them. Greyfort was no doubt built to house a fairly large family, so they should have plenty of space.
However, I do foresee some renewed sadness as well. The fact that Cadugan didn’t know all of this means that he hasn’t actually spoken to his mother in a long time. If he sent a message about Taidor’s death to that house that she hasn’t lived at in years, she likely didn’t get the news. 🙁
Are people forgetting that Luke isn’t a Greyfort by blood? He is the smith’s son, formerly adopted by the old Baron
It’s just something that has always ‘nagged’ at me: Glon is always listed as ‘Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand’ but Luke is simply ‘Lucas Greyfort’
Well, Lucas was never referred to as anyone other than Greyfort. He wasn’t a Smitharm for a very long time, just like Glon was never a Greyfort. And Glon became Glon Bloodhand because the Black Mountain is ruled by Bloodhands, not Smitharms. Hence their names.
I do remember Lucas wasn’t born a Greyfort… it seems like adopting heirs is becoming a Greyfort tradition 😀
The fact that they probably won’t have biological children still saddens me, though 🙁
I think it was Cadugan’s father who sired most of those half-siblings, of his, that we’ve seen…While it is USUALY a safe bet that hybrid humanoids are half human, all of Cadugan’s kin seemed to be half elf, and half something else. There were a whole bunch of jokes based around the fact that when you say "half elf" people just assume "half-elf," the name hung on the hybrid so common it is considered its own, standardized, species, the human/elf hybrid (like Cadugan, himself).
While every sibling we have seen, of Cadugan that we have seen, up until now, seems to be literally half elf, like Cadugan, the other halfes of their heratage have been a grab-Bag-(of-Wonders) assortment of random, sylan forest-folk. Either their are female satyrs hiding somewhere, or Cadugan’s dad had a lover of whatever-sexually dymorphic species that commonly breeds with satyrs to make more satyrs (incidentally, most people seem to assume that, if it isn’t humans, then satyrs and nymphs…or maybe dryads… are the same species, just a very highly sexually dymorphic one, where the males and the females are so different that an observer assumes they are two different species); Cadugan’s druid brother was indeed half elf, and half satyr, but was neither a "half-elf" nor a "half-satyr"-humancentric terms for hybrids of humans with elves and satyrs, respectively.
This lady appears to be human, as does the latest relation to emerge from the woodwork of Cadugan’s family trees…so it is a good bet that it was Caldugan’s dad who sired the "half-satyr"(who was apparently half ELF and half satyr, not human/satyr like the assumption usually is, in D&D ). As far as we know, "Mrs. Cadugan," here only has the two kids: Cadugan, the new Consort Grayfort (what DO you call the husband of the Duke?…if being married to a Duchess usually seems to confer Duke-dom, and marriage to a Duke to confer Duchess-hood, can we safely assume the Ranger is likewise assumed to be a Duke?…the husband of a Duke should be granted title, if they lack one, it is only proper…can’t have a commoner bound to a noble…’tain’t proper-like…), and this little tyke, who looks human.
(I just realized how much family Lucas has gained. D’aww!)
A wedding between an intersesting couple…
A relative appears from out of the blue…
With no home…
And a heretofore unknown child…
Holy shit! This is a sitcom pilot!
"Luke & the Cad."
"2 and a Half-Elf"
My two brothers
Throwing out wild guesses here, she kicks the bucket and Lucas and Cadugan solve their heir problem by adopting him.
She seems a fairly hearty soul, so I suspect she will be around a while, but yes, I also foresee little Charles being the adopted heir to Greyfort eventually. Really though, there is no reason they wouldn’t invite Cadugan’s mother and brother to stay with them. Greyfort was no doubt built to house a fairly large family, so they should have plenty of space.
However, I do foresee some renewed sadness as well. The fact that Cadugan didn’t know all of this means that he hasn’t actually spoken to his mother in a long time. If he sent a message about Taidor’s death to that house that she hasn’t lived at in years, she likely didn’t get the news. 🙁
Are people forgetting that Luke isn’t a Greyfort by blood? He is the smith’s son, formerly adopted by the old Baron
It’s just something that has always ‘nagged’ at me: Glon is always listed as ‘Glon Smitharm/Bloodhand’ but Luke is simply ‘Lucas Greyfort’
Well, Lucas was never referred to as anyone other than Greyfort. He wasn’t a Smitharm for a very long time, just like Glon was never a Greyfort. And Glon became Glon Bloodhand because the Black Mountain is ruled by Bloodhands, not Smitharms. Hence their names.
I do remember Lucas wasn’t born a Greyfort… it seems like adopting heirs is becoming a Greyfort tradition 😀
The fact that they probably won’t have biological children still saddens me, though 🙁
theres always magic
although considering that Arachne said the only thing men are good for is making more women it might not be so easy
Ha ha ha…
She and the kid are moving in.
Loving Flannet’s look in panel two 😀
Mrs Cadugan really got around, it seems.
Elves, satyrs, humans…
Are there any other siblings we havn’t met yet?
Also, I do hope we get to know her name soon.
‘Flannet Hunter’. It is in the list of characters right below the strip. 🙂
Her name is Flannet Hunter, or did you think she hunted Flannet’s? o_O
Those flannets are more elusive than snipes!
I think it was Cadugan’s father who sired most of those half-siblings, of his, that we’ve seen…While it is USUALY a safe bet that hybrid humanoids are half human, all of Cadugan’s kin seemed to be half elf, and half something else. There were a whole bunch of jokes based around the fact that when you say "half elf" people just assume "half-elf," the name hung on the hybrid so common it is considered its own, standardized, species, the human/elf hybrid (like Cadugan, himself).
While every sibling we have seen, of Cadugan that we have seen, up until now, seems to be literally half elf, like Cadugan, the other halfes of their heratage have been a grab-Bag-(of-Wonders) assortment of random, sylan forest-folk. Either their are female satyrs hiding somewhere, or Cadugan’s dad had a lover of whatever-sexually dymorphic species that commonly breeds with satyrs to make more satyrs (incidentally, most people seem to assume that, if it isn’t humans, then satyrs and nymphs…or maybe dryads… are the same species, just a very highly sexually dymorphic one, where the males and the females are so different that an observer assumes they are two different species); Cadugan’s druid brother was indeed half elf, and half satyr, but was neither a "half-elf" nor a "half-satyr"-humancentric terms for hybrids of humans with elves and satyrs, respectively.
This lady appears to be human, as does the latest relation to emerge from the woodwork of Cadugan’s family trees…so it is a good bet that it was Caldugan’s dad who sired the "half-satyr"(who was apparently half ELF and half satyr, not human/satyr like the assumption usually is, in D&D ). As far as we know, "Mrs. Cadugan," here only has the two kids: Cadugan, the new Consort Grayfort (what DO you call the husband of the Duke?…if being married to a Duchess usually seems to confer Duke-dom, and marriage to a Duke to confer Duchess-hood, can we safely assume the Ranger is likewise assumed to be a Duke?…the husband of a Duke should be granted title, if they lack one, it is only proper…can’t have a commoner bound to a noble…’tain’t proper-like…), and this little tyke, who looks human.
(I just realized how much family Lucas has gained. D’aww!)