Oh dear… I hope Lewie proves to be more competent than he’s appeared in the past or else his brief reign as the nigh absolute ruler of the continent will look like a brief rain compared to the hurricane coming in with Ranna.
I need to update some more of the archive. The Head Mistress -as it were- is a Pirestess from a group of Adventurers (one of the companions of Morgana-of the YAFGC forums) who was converted by a group of anti-Bloodhand Dark Mistresses.
When she prayed for help from her goddess Ch’Thier, Ranna answered the call instead. She wound up not only converting to their cause, but converted them all to the worship of Ranna as well.
Though her story isn’t up yet, you can see the current stats of many of the characters back on the summary page here: http://yafgc.net/comic/2670-there-will-be-a-test-later/
I never cared for latex, nor have I ever liked that whole crew… especially their new leader-bitch.
Ranna’s choice of servants it making it much easier to hold a low opinion of her,
Kinda looks like they are made out of some sort of desolved *black-pudding. I that is the case, that would explain the searing pain, followed by the intense pleasure and would give great resistance to physical, cold, acid or lighting damage.
If not, I’m totally going to use that idea in my next campain…
Oh dear… I hope Lewie proves to be more competent than he’s appeared in the past or else his brief reign as the nigh absolute ruler of the continent will look like a brief rain compared to the hurricane coming in with Ranna.
A brief <i>raign</i>! Ahahahaha… *hides*
You mean ‘reign’ 😛
No: brief reign+brief rain = brief raign
ha-ha-ha, I definitely should visit WC before I’ve read some more XD
Okay, now _who_ is that Mistress exactly? She is not a Drow, and something tells me their suits are not made from rubber
Also, her ‘lieutenant’ may be joining the other renegade Mistress (the one who left and joined Arachne)
I need to update some more of the archive. The Head Mistress -as it were- is a Pirestess from a group of Adventurers (one of the companions of Morgana-of the YAFGC forums) who was converted by a group of anti-Bloodhand Dark Mistresses.
When she prayed for help from her goddess Ch’Thier, Ranna answered the call instead. She wound up not only converting to their cause, but converted them all to the worship of Ranna as well.
Though her story isn’t up yet, you can see the current stats of many of the characters back on the summary page here: http://yafgc.net/comic/2670-there-will-be-a-test-later/
Forgot that part where she switched allegiance, thank you
Hoping the un-named lieutenant _does_ run off and inform Jais and Arachne about what is going on, and they of course go talk to Lewie
I never cared for latex, nor have I ever liked that whole crew… especially their new leader-bitch.
Ranna’s choice of servants it making it much easier to hold a low opinion of her,
But the girls look rather freaky than really dangerous. So now no one around them expects any serious stuff
Kinda looks like they are made out of some sort of desolved *black-pudding. I that is the case, that would explain the searing pain, followed by the intense pleasure and would give great resistance to physical, cold, acid or lighting damage.
If not, I’m totally going to use that idea in my next campain…
* http://www.aidedd.org/dnd/monstres.php?vo=black-pudding
Gosh, I hope that suit has ear holes :/