1686 God Smacked on January 7, 2011 Chapter: WormhunterCharacters: Eddy the Mage, Frun Nord Goddess of Love, Harald Werewolvesbane, Lady Sidonie of Falconheim, Oref Nord Trickster God, Runtherd "Runt", Sir Idries of Falconheim, Warbeard King of the Nord GodsLocation: Friggid Jarledom, NordGard the Nordlanders' Afterlife Related Comics ¬ 2942 Magic Stitch 0896 Our Little Secret 1606 Into A Whole New World 0884 Pinch Sidonie 0947 Keeping It In The Family
I used to be single until I took Cupid’s arrow to the heart.
When a nameless guard says it, I’ll believe it.