2932 Bob Takes Point
on July 11, 2016
Chapter: Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Crossover
Characters: Bob the Beholder, Fluffy the Domestic Gryphon, Grell, Gren Razortooth, Handler, Hank, Jone "Half-Orc" WhiteEye, Meegs, Princess Gaggia Shadowtalker, Scale
Location: WyldWood Forest
Scale, Hank, Handler and Gertrude are all visiting us from “Cowboys and Crossovers”
Drawn by Ron Bender (Well, when they aren’t being drawn by me, that is…)
Oh, great, and trouble is right behind them, and them without their Valkyrie. I sure hope Grell can defend itself. Yeah, saying that Bob made them essentially invulnerable was a big mistake. Tempting fate.
Looks like Grell is going with the group.
Yeah, but he is at the back of the pack
Aww crap!!!
Although… we still don’t know which side Jone is on, if any at all
Same side she was on the last time: the "Kill It" side.
"Swing sword, everybody dies." Yep.
Things just took a turn for the "Well, shit."
… last panel literally sends shivers down my spine… :-/
In all the other excitement, I’d completely forgotten about her.
And that… shall be your epitaph! 😀
" Like one who on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread
Because they know some frightful fiend
Does close behind them tread "
That last panel actually made me say, "Oh, F***!"
Do you know how difficult it is to speak in symbols? Lol
*muffled scream*
I need my eyes checked — I didn’t realize Jone was so close.
The first time I looked at that last panel, I mistook Grell for another tree in the foreground.