2335 Strike Out on November 8, 2012 Chapter: Mountain QuestCharacters: Morgana, Sir Nedworth de Tete "Ned the Head"Location: Tara's Inn Related Comics ¬ 2305 A Cure For Bored 2315 Animalicious 2360 Kobold Battle 3190 Fight In The Sky 2307 Dems The Artifacts
i think being messed with by the satyrs has gotten the girls a bit on edge
He should have mentioned her huge tracts of land instead.
What’s wrong with her legs? o_O
apparently something is wrong with this guy’s tongue. come on, ladies!
How does this ‘guy’ even have a libido?
"he" is no longer equipped for it.
He seems to have a functional brain, so why wouldn’t he have a libido?
Now… what he thinks he’s going to DO with this libido, is a fairer question.
Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged would like a word.