1589 The Prisoners Outlook on October 3, 2010 Chapter: Reflections in the SandCharacters: Fatinah, Kurassa Elemental Wizard from the City of Haran, Najiba bint Hassima al Merriah min Ch'ThierLocation: Umbril: The City in the Shade Related Comics ¬ 1468 Big Guy 1580 Sentance 1484 Besnatched 1496 The Legend Of Temshuteps Tomb 2912 Meanwhile In The Celestial Tomb Of Chthier
dun dun dun
The walls have ears…And the mirror has eyes…
Creep! Can’t he wait till she’s decent?
I believe he was waiting until she wasn't looking toward the mirror, and unlikely to turn around until she's finished washing her face.
As for the butt-shot, I think that's Rich's little gift to the rest of us. 😉