1395 Flame War on March 23, 2010 Chapter: Jone: Half-OrcCharacters: Adwen the Cruel, Adwen's Wyvern, Jone "Half-Orc" WhiteEyeLocation: Elegrost Fields Related Comics ¬ 2857 Artifacked 1250 Jone Gets Surrounded 1388 Whats Going On Here 2199 Orcs In Hell 1377 Half Elf Red Handed
I’ve wondered: Jone’s undead at this point, right?
No, she’s just the perfect living engine of war and death, hand-crafted by Ol’ One Eye himself.
I know this was written well before GOT (the show), but this eerily reminds me of the Night King taking out one of the dragons. (OK, he used a spear but still…)
Aw, I HATE seeing anything reptilian/draconic getting killed…
She really IS good with that thing, isn’t she?
Love how a Wyvern crashing is akin to a fighter jet crashing.
Rookie move, if you have a flying mount, *don't* get within melee range of the ground!