0078: Drownapped on August 13, 2006 Chapter: 007 - Arachne in WyldwoodCharacters: Arachne the Drow, Prince GlitterbranchLocation: WyldWood Forest Related Comics ¬ 1069 Dramatic Irony 0870 BANG BANG 2164 Snapped 0893 Fangtasms 3424 From Death Life
Panel five: "Why not? You into guys?" 😛
For someone who thinks of himself as a "good" elf, Glitterbranch sure has few qualms about abducting someone who’s black-out drunk…
well we don’t know that he abducted her. we just know that she is safe, unmolested, in a bed, and that Glitterbranch has come to check up on her.
it doesn’t seem [yet] that Glitterbranch has done a thing wrong.